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winter scene

Thursday, February 4, 2021

An Anniversary, of sorts

My first blog, Yellow Rose Ramblings, made its debut on January 25, 2003, or just over 18 years ago!  It was followed on December 16 of that year with Furball Farm, which may be a more accurate depiction of my life.  

I think we had 16 14 cats then - who knows?  It all runs together after a while.  I had to check with the old blog, and what a hoot that was!  We'd just found our late cat FullHouse when Furball Farm started.  He was a lovely 14 year old when he died, shortly before we moved to New Hampshire.

At one point, it seems that blogs were topic-specific, hence the separate blogs for cat tales and for the rest of my life. I never pretended to have a knitting blog because I am not a fast knitter, and I don't follow the "flavor of the month" yarn or designer on a regular basis.  The blog has always been more of a diary of what's going on, what I'm making or doing or growing, or even cooking - sort of a slice of my relatively boring life.

I've not been a prolific blogger the past few years - too much work, too little time, not enough knitting.  I blogged regularly on BlogCity, and when they went kaput the blog bounced around quite a bit, looking for a place to call home.  It seems very strange to end up where I started!

The grind of moving is over and now it's time to begin getting back to a normal life, doing the things I love. And along the way, I've begun piecing quilts, in much the same way I knit: too many projects going at any one time, and too many dancing around in my head.

2021 has a different feel to it.  I'm more energized and more ready to share what's going on.  I want to give the blog a little more space, a little more consideration, and perhaps even a little more love.  Heaven knows, the world can use all the love it can get, and KnitsWithCats provides me with the space to spread a little of that love around.

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