photo of the day

photo of the day
winter scene

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


I'm not *really* superstitious, but it seems that there are traditions around New Year's Day that really should be observed, you know - just in case.  So in that vein, I made sure the the "first foot" over our threshold was a handsome dark-haired man (Ken); I let the old and new moon shine on silver coins; carried bread, wine, a clementine, knitting, salt, and wood over the threshold myself.

Today we'll dine on ham, sauerkraut, yellow-eye peas (no black-eye peas in any local markets), and okra.  That's the southern part.  Cheesecake for the New Yorker.  The sauerkraut counts for the German, I think.

I've neatened my knitting and am ready to start a new project - not that all the old ones are finished.  I've got 2 recently finished but unblocked projects in the wash now, and will block them in the unfinished master suite where the cats can't get to them in a few minutes.  I found a counted cross stitch I started before Ken and I got married (19 years ago) and will restart it so I can finish it before our 20th anniversary.  I've read, chatted with family, played in the snow. If this is beginning as I mean to go on, this will be a good and fun year.

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