photo of the day

photo of the day
winter scene

Saturday, February 17, 2024

 President's Day Weekend

I can't believe it's been a month plus since I posted! You'd think it had been really busy and that lots of wonderful things occurred, and you'd be only partially right.

We've had the weirdest weather! Days where the high was 17* followed by 52* a couple of days later. Snow falls, then melts - seems like there have already been 2 mud seasons! Got an inch of snow last night, next predictions now are for snow next Thursday and Friday.

My retirement gifts from my employer finally arrived -  took almost 4 months. I opted for a new watch (it was time, my old watch was a gift from my ex-husband before we got married - thinking 1985 or so) which seems like such an old-fashioned choice. The crystal commemorative "thing" remains in the box. It's lovely and heavy, and I'm not sure where to put it. Finally, the leather-bound certificate is interesting. I don't have an "I love me" wall or area for things like this yet - or maybe never.

Starting Socks

Ever since I can remember (or at least for the last 20 years) every so often I start a bunch of first socks, usually between 5 and a dozen.  This is the year as I'm in the throes of completing the last 2 second socks from the batch started just before we moved, so in 2019.

This time I started 12 socks and 1 is already almost complete and 2 are a couple of inches in. The rest have the 12 row cuff I usually use all complete and they are ready to start the legs. Now anytime I need to "purse sock" to work on while waiting I'll have at least 1 available.  And here they are!

There are a wide variety of sock yarns represented: Opal, Opal Sport, Paton's Kroy, Brown Sheep Wildfoote, West Yorkshire Spinners, Knit Picks Tweed, and Drops Fabel. Also needles: my favorite Crystal Palace 6" bamboos, various brands of metal, 9" circulars, Flexi-Flips, Carbon Fiber. 

The 2 that are further along are in my bag now; I'll add a photo when I remember!

Miscellaneous Stuff

Finally started Physical Therapy for my knees in mid-January, and it seems to be helping. Last week I started using the wonderful heated lap pool for water aerobics type exercises in addition to the work with thera bands, a TENS unit, and kinesio tape. I'm walking better than I have since before we moved, and my knees don't feel like they're going to give way; I would do this 2x a week for forever if possible.

Still unpacking and sorting yarn and fabric. I've given away 2 bags full in the knitting group I go to, and the recipients are actually using it!  Still more to go, but I've passed the halfway mark.

Still resolving some issues with Medicare, 401k, and such but we seem to be on the downhill side of it, finally. Prescriptions are arriving automatically as they should, and PT is 100% covered so I am a happy camper.