photo of the day

photo of the day
winter scene

Monday, January 16, 2017

Moving Day!

Hello!  Welcome to knitswithcats new home on the net!

After 7 years at Blog City (which I loved) and 5 at Typepad (which is OK too), I've returned to blogspot, where I first blogged 13 or 14 years ago.

It's kind of a strange homecoming. For unknown reasons, I never felt as "at home" on Typepad as I did on Blog City.  That, coupled with the move to Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and many other places, has taken some of the fun out of blogging.  And yet, I want to keep blogging, if only so I have a record of what I'm doing and creating and enjoying.  An electronic diary (that corrects my typos), if you will.

So today is the first day of blogging here, and I expect it will be rather rough in the beginning.  I'm targeting one post a week - surely even I can knit that much.

Today's knitting picture:

5 pussyhats, all ready to go to Washington, DC for Saturday's march.